Monthly Membership Fees

Age >65: $110
Age 40-64: $90
Age 20-39: $70
Age 0-19: $50
(10% discount if signed up with a parent)
10% discount with semi-annual payments

There is no registration fee, but we ask that you make a 3 month pre-payment at initial enrollment.

A Single visit without membership comes with a fee of $200. A second visit requires membership.

There is a re-enrollment fee after termination of service- $90

Can I try out the care without committing to a membership?

Yes! A single visit with a fee of $200 is possible for acute medical needs.

In addition, a brief phone or in-person 'Meet and Greet' appointment is available at no cost so that you can have a time to find out if this is an appropriate model of care for you or your family. No medical care will be provided at these visits, but much information can be conveyed and questions answered.

I'm ready! Sign me up Membership forms and documents Make an appointment Access your medical record